2014年5月23日 星期五

"Godzilla" (2014)

Q: Why did it take them so long to uncover fossil evidence of creatures so large?

Q: Why was a nuclear plant supervisor so concerned about seismic activity that the rest of Japan had apparently disregarded?

Q: How likely is it that any creature would be able to feed on radiation for long periods of time?  Wouldn't the prolonged exposure trigger irreversible errors in their DNA?

Q: Why would such creatures seek out human-made sources of radiation?  Isn't the primary source of radiation the sun?  Wouldn't such creatures do better to absorb their energy directly from the sun, just as plants do?

Q: What is the point of animals that only mate every few million years?

Q: What is the point of an "alpha predator" that does not consume what it kills?

Q: How would the Japanese scientists have hidden their discovery from satellite photography?  And from the Americans who were already stationed in Okinawa?

Q: If previous atomic "tests" in the South Pacific were merely an attempt to eradicate Godzilla, why would they assume that an even larger blast would destroy all three creatures at the same time?  And what about the effect this thermonuclear explosion would have on the atmosphere?  Would a nuclear winter be worth killing all three creatures at the same time?

Q: Why transport the nuclear missile by train?  Why not just shoot it through the stratosphere?

Q: Why the half-hearted evacuation of the Bay Area?

Q: Why store the most important zoological find in human history in Yucca Mountain?  Radioactive or not, wasn't there a better place to put it?

Q: Why was it so easy for the soldier character to hitch a ride with the other soldiers transporting the missile?  Why wasn't he asked for ID?  Why didn't they request clearance?

Q: How could they have gotten the nuclear device to a safe distance that fast?  Or how could they have removed the soldier to a safe distance that fast?

Q: What would have been the point of irradiating the entire globe in an attempt to kill these creatures?  Wouldn't their very existence suggest that there are other, similar creatures dormant below ground?  Wouldn't the nuclear detonation - however successful - lure other such creatures to the surface?

Q: What is the point of a monster movie wherein the monsters take a backseat to drawn-out subplots involving separated family members?

Q: Why did I think this would be a good movie?  Am I so easily deceived?

