2015年5月24日 星期日

Human Centipede 3 (Full Sequence)

"Death Rape!  Death Rape!  Death Rape!"

I'm not saying this because there have been a lot of great horror films recently - there haven't - but Human Centipede 3 is the best horror film I've seen in a while.

Unlike the first two films, which were pretty much gross-out contests centered around the idea of creating a "human centipede," the third installment is more a critique of the American prison system.  I'm not saying that this critical element makes the third film better, but it is a new element in the series, and as such brings a bit of freshness to the franchise.

Human Centipede 3 is not as violent as the second film, and it lacks the atmosphere that made the first Human Centipede my favorite in the series.  Even so it has its moments, and there are a lot of memorable lines strewn throughout the movie.  I could recount many of these lines from memory, but I think that to do so would diminish your enjoyment of the film.

It's not a cinematic masterpiece by any stretch of the imagination, but it's a solid B-movie with more originality than any horror film I've seen in quite a while.  A lot of critics fawned over "It Follows," but in my opinion Human Centipede 3 is a much stronger effort.  Then again, how many good horror films are truly appreciated by movie critics?

To be sure, some of the acting in this movie is terrible, and the conclusion is downright silly, but as an exploitation picture it offers a few twists and turns that we haven't seen before, and this is praise enough for a film that was so long in the making.  I know I said I wouldn't spoil any of the lines for you, but that "Thank God for Africa!  Thank God for female circumcision!" line had me laughing out loud.  It's a very irreverent film, and I enjoy that.

If you're looking for a good, solid horror film I'd recommend the first Human Centipede.  If you're looking for something truly gross, I'd recommend the second.  If you've seen those two, well, you know what the third is offering.  It's not Oscar worthy, but it's not bad.

