2024年10月1日 星期二

"The Late Great Planet Earth" by Hal Lindsey (1970)

"Almost immediately after the Antichrist declares himself to be God, God releases the dreaded second of the four horsemen of the apocalypse.  This is a figure of the unleashing of war upon the earth."

Hey, check it out, "Now Generation!"  You might think astrology is "where it's at," you might even think the devil is "cool," but let me tell you, the Rapture's on the way and you'd better be ready!

...and sure, the author might be using the Bible to prove the Bible, and he might be overlooking the fact that much of the Bible was written after the events it describes, and he might even be drawing false conclusions from extremely questionable premises, but I guarantee you that after reading this book you'll be ready for the End of Days!

(No, not the Arnold Schwarzenegger movie from the 90s.  I'm talking about the end of the world!)

Long story short, keep an eye on Israel, true believers.  Once the Israelis rebuild the Temple on the spot where the Dome of the Rock now stands, that's your signal to either bunker up or engage in some serious Bible study.  You'll see that once they reinstitute animal sacrifices in the Temple the armies of the Earth will gather against them, real Book of Revelations-type drama.

Oh, and there will be some kind of Arab-African alliance mixed up in there, and a European coalition ("union?") headed by the Antichrist.  Once they finally convene for Armageddon the missiles will really start flying, and the rest will be a rather unenjoyable bloodbath for those not already partying with the angels in heaven.  Are YOU ready for such developments?  Have YOU prepared yourself?  I pray that it is so!

Someone also, by the way, made a movie out of this book, and yes, it's as laughably pretentious as you'd expect.  It was the 70s after all, and given the spiritual seekers who inhabited that decade there was a definite audience for this sort of thing.  Orson Welles plays host for this biblical spectacle, and does so with all the gravitas he was known for.  Leonard Nimoy?  Maybe he was... busy that day?

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