2024年12月16日 星期一

"The Memory Police" by Yoko Ogawa (1994)

"But even if paper itself disappears, words will remain.  It will be alright, you'll see.  We haven't lost the stories."

Yoko Ogawa is a Japanese writer.  She's won several awards for her work and several of her novels are available in English translation.  She cites American author Paul Auster and The Diary of Anne Frank as major influences.

In The Memory Police an island of people, seemingly cut off from the rest of the world by more than geography, slowly forget the facts of their existence.  One day everyone forgets what teapots are, and then, discovering these now mysterious objects in their midst, they set about destroying all of them, effectively erasing these objects from their daily lives.  On another day everyone forgets that they have left ears, and even though they're unwilling to physically part with these ears, their minds close to the very idea of left ears, leaving everyone unaware that they possess such things as left ears or even what left ears might be used for.

All of this "partially involuntary forgetfulness" occurs around a local author engaged in the writing of a novel, and as both her novel and the larger story progress we see the toll these "disappearances" take on the people of the island.  These people are all, without exception, a rather meek population of unaspiring people who hope, however unrealistically, that their collective amnesia and the Memory Police who enforce it will somehow fade from the scene.

With regard to style and tone there are two easy comparisons to make here: one being George Orwell's 1984 and the other being the works of Franz Kafka.  But unlike 1984 The Memory Police is an apolitical novel, and although it shares the same surrealism with Kafka's stories The Memory Police is a distinctly Japanese creation, suffused with a sort of quiet fortitude that Kafka's stories lack.

While reading The Memory Police I was often also reminded of Junji Ito's manga Uzumaki, another story which engages in generous amounts of dream logic.  Both The Memory Police and Uzumaki are works that you feel your way through, and applying too much logic to what their respective characters say and do would be a frustrating experience for the reader.

On the whole I enjoyed The Memory Police and I never found it dull.  At the same time I have to say that it's not an especially deep novel, its intimations of Stockholm Syndrome and collective paranoia aside.

A film adaption is on the way, with Lily Gladstone in the lead role.  Charlie Kaufman is writing the script, so expect something weird.

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2024年11月24日 星期日

Still More 70s Movies 3

A lot of exploitation/grindhouse in this one.  I was in that kind of mood.

Ah, Roman Polanski, the director guaranteed to trigger people on the internet.  I make no assumptions about your moral leanings, but you might find it gratifying to know that he only wrote this one.  Another guy directed it.

The Premise: An failed poet with a serious drinking problem takes his niece (?) out for a day at the beach.

Overall: A pitch perfect movie in every respect.  From the opening credits our failed poet is a thoroughly unlikeable, thoroughly untrustworthy man.  The film never wavers from this aspect of his character and that's its greatest strength.

2. The Demon (1979)

The Premise: South African slasher movie featuring a killer whose preferred method of execution is a plastic bag placed over his victim's head.

Overall: We sat through a lot of movies like this in the 80s, VHS-friendly remnants of a time when everyone was trying to cash in on the surprise success of John Carpenter's Halloween.

It won't blow your mind or anything, but if you're in that kind of mood it fits the bill well enough.  Just don't expect a coherent plot.  It's extremely disjointed, very dark (bad lighting) in parts, and generally difficult to follow.

The Premise: A monster stalks the canals of Venice, CA, and an amateur investigative reporter is all that stands between this monster and its next victim.

Overall: Generic monster movie with a splash -- if you'll excuse the pun -- of Jaws.

4. Medusa (1973)

The Premise: George Hamilton produced and starred in this half baked crime picture.

Overall: The island of Rhodes is a novel setting, but this movie has little else to recommend it.

Fun Fact: Hamilton's costar Luciana Paluzzi appeared as a S.P.E.C.T.R.E. assassin in 1965's Thunderball.

Man, there must be dozens (hundreds?) of Italian movies just like this one.  Low budget crime/suspense knockoffs of much better films.

The Premise: A very Italian-looking narcotics officer journeys from London to Lisbon to bust up a drug ring.

Overall: Very boring, but somehow more entertaining than Medusa above.  More nudity and more violence would have made it better, but they probably didn't have the budget for that.  Wikipedia lists this one in their Giallo entry, but I would argue the point.

6. Blood Thirst (1971)

Black and white?  In 1971?  Blood Thirst was filmed way back in 1965, but wasn't released theatrically until 1971.

The Premise: A New York detective visits the Philippines to investigate a series of sex crimes.  And yes, this movie was actually filmed in the Philippines.

Overall: Not a bad movie.  I'm sure that in 1971 it already seemed dated, but it has a nice film noir vibe that occasionally veers into genuine creepiness.

The Premise: a group of people contend with a haunted house in the French countryside.

Overall: It's not eventful like that other, much more widely known movie, but Expulsion of the Devil will likely remind you of 1982's Poltergeist.  This said, where Poltergeist is more blatantly supernatural, this film ties the "haunting" to a theme of female adolescence.

Fun Fact: Gerard Depardieu has a minor role in this movie.

8. Murder Mansion (1972)

The Premise: Another spooky old house, another group of strangers encountering the supernatural.

Overall: Not very good.  The plot doesn't make much sense, and there's not enough gore to satisfy anyone in search of Giallo-style thrills.

The horror of disco meets the horror of horror head-on.  That scene where he goes shopping for his disco outfit is one of those "time capsule moments" for sure.

The Premise: A psychopath who dabbles in schizophrenia creates a fireproof room for the purpose of incinerating his victims.

Overall: Did I watch the censored version?  Feels like it.  That scene of his first victim's demise... seems like some gratuitous nudity was cut out.  Maybe the filmmakers considered such nudity distasteful, you know, considering the nuanced film they were trying to create.

(Yes, that was sarcasm)

Don't Go in the House is strictly B movie material, but I found it entertaining.  The first killing, the disco scenes, the ending are all memorable, even if the movie spends too much time inside the house.  The killer's conversations with his "voices" could have been used to great effect, but the screenplay never fleshes out the relationship between these voices, the killer's mother, and what he does to his unsuspecting victims.

Fun Fact: Dan Grimaldi, the star of this movie, is now a Professor of Mathematics.

10. Ritual of Evil (1970)

The Premise: A psychotherapist crosses paths with SATAN.

Overall: Seldom do so, so many words add up to so little story.  Louis Jourdan walks around, cross-examines people, drives a car, all without managing to be the hero in his own movie.  To top it off the ending is very dumb, so dumb I regretted sitting through the film up to that point.

Yeah, you could say it was a made-for-TV movie, and yeah, there was a lot of occult stuff like this on the air at the time, but it's still not a good film.

11. Orgy of the Living Dead (a.k.a. "The Hanging Woman")(1972)

The Premise: Zombie-tinged murder mystery set in a spooky European castle.

Overall: A decent movie, and good fun if you're looking for something Giallo-adjacent.  Despite the overdubs and bogus end credits this film was a Spanish-Italian effort (like Murder Mansion above), and most of those involved had ties to the Spanish or Italian film industries.

"You've gotta let your mind hang loose."

The Premise: Made-for-TV movie set in an evil girl's school

Overall: Didn't make much of an impression one way or the other.  Watchable I guess. but nothing to write home about.

13. Psychomania (a.k.a. "The Death Wheelers") (1973)

The Premise: A biker game overcomes death through the power of positive thinking.

Overall: Very much a product of its time.  Late 60s spiritualism + biker movie + a trippy room where one meets... Satan? = Psychomania.  It's a fun little film and I wouldn't mind watching it again.

14. Sweet Sugar (1972)

The Premise: Yet another women's prison movie, with the exception that this one was filmed in Costa Rica (!) and instead of a women's prison they're sent to a sugar cane field for two years.

Overall: I don't know if the humor in this movie is intentional or unintentional -- I suspect those in charge of the English overdubs were having a blast in the recording room -- but whichever it was this movie's hilarious.  You gotta love any movie where the head guard announces something like, "The doctor's performing medical experiments, can we get some volunteers?" and SOMEONE ACTUALLY VOLUNTEERS.  

Besides all this the lead, Phyllis Davis, is stunning.  She'd go on to a career in TV, and end her career as Hostage #3 in Steven Seagal's Under Siege.

15. The Humanoid (1979)

The Premise: Does this movie have a premise?  Does it even have a story?  It seems like some Italian guy set out to copy elements from Star Wars and forgot to add the plot.

Overall: There's a lot of memorably bad stuff in this film: the sets, the costumes, the dialogue and most of all the acting.  I just hope that "Tom-Tom" made it back to whatever planet that was.

Fun Fact: Richard Kiel, who played "Jaws" in two Bond films, is to some extent the star of this one.  He is joined by Corrine Clery and Barbara Bach, two actresses who were also Bond girls in the 70s.

16. Malibu High (1979)

Don't get too excited by the poster.  She's not even in the movie.

The Premise: A high school girl turns to prostitution as a way of rebelling against the status quo.

Overall: The acting in this one's even worse than The Humanoid above.  Given an actress with more screen presence it might have been alright, but as it is it's a real chore to get through.  Even the nudity was boring.

17. Hollywood Man (1976)

One wonders how closely the financing of this film mirrored its protagonist's difficulty with regard to repaying a debt to organized crime.  I'm aware of the stereotypes involved, but there sure are a lot of Italian names in the credits and some of the "jobs" attributed to them sure seem suspicious.

The Premise: A fading Hollywood star rushes to complete his passion project before the mob shuts everything down.

Overall: It's not bad but the ending doesn't make much sense.  Why would they do that in broad daylight?  In a public place?  Given the papers the protagonist signed earlier in the movie he was in no position to bargain for anything, let alone implicate those involved in various crimes.

Fun Fact: William Smith might be recognizable from 1982's Conan the Barbarian, in which he played Conan's father.

18. The Cat Creature (1973)

The Premise: An Egyptologist and a detective contend with a supernatural force.

Overall: This is exactly the kind of movie that freaked kids out in the late 70s and early 80s.  It's super cheesy in retrospect, but atmospheric music and sound effects went a long way toward scaring kids back then.  Adults will find the ending unintentionally hilarious.

Fun Fact 1: Meredith Baxter would go on to become Meredith Baxter-Birney, widely known as "Elyse Keaton" in the hit sitcom Family Ties.

Fun Fact 2: Some elements of this movie are nods to 1942's Cat People, which was remade in 1982 as a vehicle for Nastassja Kinski.

The Premise: Julie Christie pursues a man who might be too good to be true.

Overall: It's a charming movie that sticks the landing.  I particularly enjoyed the "Auto-Ball" scene.

20. Vega$ (1978-1981)

NOT a movie, but I did get here via Phyllis Davis, who stars in Sweet Sugar above.

I watched episodes 1 and 2 and skimmed through a few others.  I was interested because my sister lives in Vegas, and when I visit her she often talks about the history of that city and the long gone hotels, casinos and restaurants that were once found on or near The Strip.

The Premise: Hard boiled detective Dan Tanna foils wrongdoers in sin city.

Overall: It gets very silly, especially as regards any subplot involving Dan Tanna's "soft spot for women," but I stopped watching for the same reason the general public did -- it got formulaic and boring as the episodes wore on.  It's interesting to see some of the older hotels and casinos back when they were new(er), but this aspect of the show wasn't enough to keep me entertained for long.

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*Wikipedia lists the release date as 1980, not 1979, but it was definitely filmed in 79.

2024年10月31日 星期四

"The Librarianist" by Patrick DeWitt (2023)

"Here was where Bob Comet had landed, then, and he was not displeased that this should be the case.  The northwest branch of the public library was where Bob Comet became himself.  It was also where he met Connie and Ethan.  Connie came first but she didn't appear as Connie until after Ethan, so really, Ethan came first."

Patrick Dewitt lives in Portland, Oregon, though he's originally from British Columbia, Canada.  He's written five novels, of which The Librarianist is the most recent.

The Librarianist details the life and times of Bob Comet, a rather shy, retiring sort of person who's spent most of his life working in one of Portland's public libraries.  In his youth Bob meets Connie, a sheltered young woman that he'll eventually marry, and later he meets Ethan, an attractive, sexually gregarious man who is Bob's opposite in nearly every respect.

In my opinion this novel, published or otherwise, remains unfinished.  It's not that it's badly written, but there isn't enough story here to justify its length.  About a fourth of this book consists of an almost entirely unrelated episode in Bob's childhood which bears no relation to the book's overall plot, and this "missing fourth" is, to make the book as a whole much weaker, much better than the rest of the novel.  As a character Bob is a somewhat interesting construct, but who is he, really?  Is he the introverted man seen at the beginning and end of this book, or is he the young boy running away from home in the "childhood interlude?"  The two halves of his personality are never reconciled, and lacking a convincing fusion of these two selves The Librarianist just isn't complete.

The above-mentioned childhood interlude is great though.  I grew up in Bay City, and even so I was unfamiliar with the bygone town of Bayocean and its weird history.  That part of the book should have been front and center in the narrative, but apparently the author couldn't muster up enough of that vibe to sustain a longer story.

The Librarianist is definitely readable, but it consists of two halves that don't fit together.  Either of these halves might have been expanded into a good book, but their shared presence in the same story adds up to a whole that's less than the sum of its parts.

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2024年10月20日 星期日

Still More 60s Movies 2

The Premise: A widow finds an unusual source of income after her husband's untimely death.

Overall: Geraldine Page is wonderfully unhinged in the lead role.  I'm not entirely sold on the premise, but it's an enjoyable movie throughout.

Fun Fact: The film's title is a reference to Whatever Happened to Baby Jane?, another movie Robert Aldrich was involved with.  A third film in this "trilogy" was proposed but never made.

2. The City of the Dead (a.k.a. "Horror Hotel") (1960)

The Premise: An inexplicably trusting young woman ventures into the New England countryside looking for witches.

Overall: The fog machine was working overtime for this one.  More fog per frame than any other movie I've seen.

In The City of the Dead Christopher Lee and Co. deliver a fairly by-the-numbers horror thriller, even though Lee's character's role in the plot is interestingly ambiguous throughout.

The Premise: Yet another one of those "battle of the sexes romps," of which the 60s provided many examples.

Overall: The plot of this movie is one of the most contrived things ever.  A stunning Swedish woman arrives at a married couple's home, announces she wants to bear the married man's children, and for whatever reason his wife leaves them alone for an extended period of time.  Really, Susan Hayward, respect yourself more!

It must be admitted, however, that Julie Newmar gives the 60s equivalent of a boner-inspiring performance here, and I fully understand why subsequent generations of drag performers were so fascinated by her.  But aside from her performance this movie is, largely, an embarrassment.  I'm not saying that it's Susan Hayward's or James Mason's fault, but yeah, it hasn't aged well.

In Case You Didn't Already Know: Julie Newmar would go on to play Catwoman in the Batman TV show later in the decade.

4. Birds Do It (1966)

The Premise: Soupy Sales plays janitor in a rocket laboratory.

Overall: The one thing I can really, truly say in this movie's favor is that the actress playing the head scientist's daughter is hot.  As for the rest... well, I suppose it depends on how amenable you are to screwball comedy.

Fun Fact 1: That "hot daughter" (Beverly Adams) went on to marry noted hair stylist Vidal Sassoon.

Fun Fact 2: This was the only time Soupy Sales starred in a film.  He despised this movie, and spent the rest of his life criticizing it.

Fun Fact 3: Soupy Sales' two sons, Tony and Hunt Sales, went on to form the band Tin Machine with David Bowie.

5. Surf Party (1964)

To some extent The Beatles would kill this scene, but hey, it was fun while it lasted.

Anyone else remember a 1987 movie Back to the Beach?  That movie was predicated upon movies like this one, all part of the early to mid 60s surf craze.

The Premise: Bobby Vinton teaches three wayward girls how to surf.

Overall: Harmless fun, and one of those "time capsule films" that says a lot about the era that produced it.

The Premise: High school students stage a protest after their teacher's suspension.  His transgression?  Talking about S-E-X!

Overall: The ending isn't convincing, but up until the last five minutes it's an engaging movie.  William Shatner, by the way, plays the teacher.  The Explosive Generation was his fourth film appearance and his first starring role.

7. Riot (1969)

With both Jim Brown and Gene Hackman in the cast you know the 70s aren't far off.  Jim Brown, it should be said, more than holds his own in the presence of Gene Hackman, who'd go on to become one of the major stars of the 70s.

The Premise: Several prisoners stage a riot inside an Arizona prison.

Overall: It's a good movie, better movie than many of the other movies discussed here.

Buzz Kulik, the director, also oversaw The Explosive Generation above.  The best known of his films is probably the made-for-TV Brian's Song.

The Premise: James Bond via the Italian film industry.

Overall: The plot goes absolutely nowhere and makes almost no sense.  Most damning of all, that one evil henchmen barely brings his wicked-looking claw thing into play.

9. Dementia 13 (a.k.a. "The Haunted and the Hunted") (1963)

The Premise: Death and horror on an Irish estate.

Overall: It may surprise you to know that Francis Ford Coppola directed this one.  It was his very first movie, made under the auspices of Roger Corman.  After a brief stint with Corman at American International Pictures, he'd go on to Warner Bros., where he'd direct You're a Big Boy Now, Finian's Rainbow and The Rain People.  After The Rain People he'd move to Paramount, where he'd direct The Godfather between 1971 and 1972.

Dementia 13 is... OK.  To its credit it's very short, and it offers an interesting look at a big name very early in his career.  It was filmed for a little over $22,000, which wasn't much even in the 60s, though Coppola did do a lot with the meager resources at his disposal.

Fun Fact: A remake of this movie was released in 2017.

The Premise: Shirley MacLaine works her way through a series of wealthy husbands.

Overall: The cinematic equivalent of fluff.  It's pleasant fluff, but yeah, it's fluff.

Fun Fact: This movie was originally conceived as a vehicle for Marilyn Monroe, but she died before filming began.

Sad Fact: Actress Teri Garr, who passed away recently, appears in this for a second.

11. Goodbye Charlie (1964)

The Premise: A womanizer survives his own murder in the body of a woman.

Overall: Given the current dialogue surrounding gender and gender identity this movie has aged like wine.  Much of it seems very prescient.

It might remind modern viewers of Blake Edward's 1991 movie Switch, which was based on the same play, but where that movie's awkward this one exerts a breezy charm.

Critics weren't kind to this film.  I, however, think it's great.  In 1964 they were obviously walking a tightrope with regard to the subject matter, and in my opinion they did a masterful job.

Fun Fact: Ellen Burstyn is in this.  Goodbye Charlie was, by some accounts, her first movie role.

The Premise: Sophia Loren puts her considerable sex appeal to use as a rich woman seeking a poor husband.

Overall: Yes, it's Peter Sellers doing brownface again.  This time he plays an Indian Muslim (?) living in London.  I can't fault his acting ability, but the brownface aspect of this movie won't translate well for modern viewers.

This said, The Millionairess isn't bad.  The plot is somewhat preposterous, and one gets the feeling that the ending of the play which inspired the movie was more impactful, but when the lovers are inevitably (re)united it's truly heartwarming.

13. The Plunderers (1961)

The Premise: One outlaw helps out another in the Old West.

Overall: It ambles along pleasantly enough.  Doesn't exactly stick in the memory though.

Fun Fact: John Saxon is in this for a bit.

14. Stagecoach (1966)

The Premise: Several misfits flee a Western town for Cheyenne, Wyoming during a period of social unrest.

Overall: An excellent movie, and surprisingly gory given both the time period and the fact that it was filmed on a bigger budget.  The (extremely beautiful) Ann-Margret leads an impressive cast, and even beyond her obvious beauty this film has a lot to recommend it.

15. Guns at Batasi (1964)

The Premise: A group of British subjects find themselves cornered in colonial Africa.

Overall: Richard Attenborough chews A LOT of scenery in this one, sometimes at the expense of the other players, but on the whole it's an entertaining, nuanced look at the policy and politics at work in the British Empire.  I particularly enjoyed the exchanges between Attenborough's character and the Member of Parliament.  "Enlightened savages," "dangerous adversaries" or a competing civilization?  Even now people are making these distinctions, often without pausing to consider the prejudices at work in our perceptions of other cultures.

Fun Fact: This was Mia Farrow's second movie and first credited screen appearance.  She took over the part from Britt Ekland.  Ekland was married to Peter Sellers at the time, and his jealousy over the onscreen love affair between Ekland's character and John Leyton's character forced Ekland to fake an illness in order to exit the production.

Sounds like a horror movie but isn't.

The Premise: Two missionaries in China contend with Red Army soldiers newly arrived in their province.

Overall: Not one of William Holden's better movies.  The Catholicism vs. communism dialogue wears out its welcome, and the Red Army characters are little more than thugs intent on destruction.  To make matters worse, this whole movie was shot in England and Wales, two places that look absolutely nothing like China.

The director claimed studio interference was the source of this movie's many, many inconsistencies, but I doubt giving him full control over the final product would have made Satan Never Sleeps much better.

17. 13 West Street (1962)

The Premise: A man seeks justice -- or is it satisfaction? -- after he's assaulted by several teenagers.

Overall: 13 West Street feels more like a movie from the 50s.  It's a decent effort with regard to film noir, and Alan Ladd is good in the lead, but it flubs the ending.

Fun Fact 1: This movie was based on a novel by the name of The Tiger Among Us.  The author of that novel, Leigh Brackett, wrote an early draft of The Empire Strikes Back, elements of which are present in the finished film.

Fun Fact 2: Ted Knight is in this.  Remember him?  The bad guy from Caddyshack?

18. The Mark (1961)

Like13 West Street above another movie that feels like something from the previous decade.  This one could also be classified as film noir, and Rod Steiger appears in both films.

The Premise: An ex-convict fresh from a rather peculiar type of group therapy attempts to adjust to life on the outside.

Overall: The best written movie I've seen in a long time.  The plot is tightly constructed and holds together very well.

19. Victim! (1961)

The Premise: Murder mystery in which various characters' sexuality is on trial.

Overall: This is EXACTLY the kind of movie they wouldn't have been made in the States during the same time period.  Thankfully the British were ready to step up and say something real about legislated morality.  Like The Mark above it treads on dangerous ground, but I'm glad that it did so.

The Premise: James Brolin (father of Josh!) stars as a pickpocket caught up in a communist conspiracy.

Overall: Brolin and costar Jacqueline Bissett have almost zero chemistry, and despite being hot she's wasn't (isn't?) a very good actress.  It's somewhat interesting to see shots of South Africa in 1967, but aside from that this film just plods onward to its inevitable conclusion.

Fun Fact 1: This movie features both Brolin and Bisset's first starring roles.  And yes, in case you're wondering, Brolin was later considered for the role of James Bond, a character he often resembles in the course of The Cape Town Affair.  He screen tested for the part just before the filming of 1983's Octopussy, but Roger Moore's return to the franchise after a period of uncertainty put an end to that.

Fun Fact 2: Who is this Claire Trevor person, and why does she have billing over both Brolin and Bisset?  Claire Trevor starred in a number of very famous Hollywood movies between the 30s, 40s and 50s, and in 1949 she won the Oscar for Best Supporting Actress.

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"Korea: The Impossible Country" by Daniel Tudor (2012)

"Seoul Metro stations are full of advertisements showing happy multicultural families, and in particular, dutiful Southeast Asian wives who seemingly enjoy cooking Korean food and studying the Korean language for the benefit of their grateful husbands.  The aim of these poster campaigns is to increase social acceptance of such women, by portraying them as warm, somewhat subservient (and thus non-threatening), and as near Korean as possible.  In the long run, this will probably have to change..."

I've been to South Korea twice.  My first visit was in 2002, when I joined a guided tour of Seoul, the DMZ and Odaesan National Park.  My second visit was last summer, when I spent a couple days walking around Incheon with my family.

I was very unimpressed with South Korea the first time I visited.  In 2002 our super sketchy tour guides took us to some of the least interesting places and worst restaurants Seoul and nearby localities had to offer.  The weather, the food and the people were all rubbing me the wrong way, and remember being glad that the multi-day tour ended as briefly as it did.  I enjoyed Odaesan National Park, but that was, up until this year at least, my one good memory of South Korea.

2024 was a much better trip.  Last August we visited sans tour guides, checked ourselves into a homestay not far from the airport, and walked around the Unseo area, enjoying two meals before boarding our connecting flight to Taipei.  It was, aside from getting lost on our way to the homestay, a very good two days, and I left Korea thinking about returning next summer.

Hence my purchasing this book at the Incheon International Airport.  It was written by a British writer whose primary contributions to the West's understanding of South Korea consist of articles published in The Economist.  According a blurb on the back cover, he lived (or has lived) in Korea "for a number of years," where he also manages a brewing company located in Seoul.  His Wikipedia page only details his exploits up to this point, so I can only assume this information remains current.

His account of Korean history, culture, economy and related topics is what you'd expect from a book of this type.  It's written for a Western audience, it refrains from saying anything too controversial, and it's been fact-checked thoroughly.  There are some typos in the text that really shouldn't be there, but overall it seems, to me at least, a solid guide to a country that I'm not that familiar with.

From my perspective as an American who's been living in Taiwan for over 24 years now, it's unfortunate that the author overlooks Taiwan in many of his discussions of how South Korea compares to other countries and cultures across the globe.  As fellow "tigers" South Korea and Taiwan have had very similar histories, and it is often this very similarity that puts them at odds in economic terms.

All of the above said, this book has increased my resolve to revisit South Korea next summer.  I think there's more to South Korea than what meets the eye, and the less obvious aspects of this country merit further exploration.

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2024年10月6日 星期日

"Graveyard of the Pacific" by Randall Sullivan (2023)

"I struggled even as a young boy to understand how my father could be such a genuine he-man and at the same time such a bully, a bully to me and to my two younger brothers.  Those two aspects didn't fit together in my mind, and even now, so many years later, I was still trying to sort it out."

Randall Sullivan was a contributing editor at Rolling Stone for over two decades, and besides that he's written several other books.  He lives in Oregon, where the Columbia River Bar is located.

First of all though -- "National Bestseller?"  I have trouble believing that this book, as locally specific as it is, is a national bestseller.  True, I bought it in an airport bookstore in Las Vegas, but I still have trouble believing this book enjoys such widespread popularity.  It's not that I'm trying to malign Randall Sullivan's work in terms of quality, it's just that this book is very regional in nature.  I have trouble imagining it flying off the shelves in Bangor or Tempe.  It's possible that the "National Bestseller" label simply indicates that it sold best in a very specific category, but what that category might be I have no idea.

This book, by the way, doesn't even have its own Wikipedia entry.  It's hard to fathom a national bestseller published only a year ago not having a Wikipedia entry.

Anyway, to get on to the actual content of this book, Graveyard of the Pacific is centered around the Columbia River Bar, the place where the Columbia River meets the Pacific Ocean between the states of Washington and Oregon.  The Columbia River Bar is, as the title suggests, an extremely dangerous place to pilot a boat.

At the outset of the book the author, aged 70, and his good friend Ray decide to cross the Columbia River Bar in a trimaran, a type of sailboat/kayak hybrid designed for two people.  This "crossing of the Bar" is intended to celebrate their decades-long friendship.  While detailing their crossing the author explores this friendship, the two friends' strained relationships with their fathers, the history of the Columbia River Bar, and how this history has been informed by several spectacular shipwrecks.

For me this book brought back a lot of memories.  I spent around half my childhood in Bay City, on the Oregon coast, and while there my grandmother often took me to Warrenton and Astoria to eat in one of the local cafes or purchase books.  I have many fond recollections of things that happened within sight of the Columbia River Bar, and that area will always be special to me.

Aside from triggering a sense of nostalgia, I would say that this book has a lot to recommend it, questionable bestseller status or no.  The author, his egocentricity aside, is an engaging guide to the Columbia River Bar, and I never felt bored by his account of all the love, hate, greed and sacrifice that have marked the human effort to bend a river mouth toward commercial activity.

I do think, however, that the "crossing of the Bar" which frames the author's narrative isn't big enough to tie the two other strands of this book together.  At the end of the day this crossing, no matter how ill-advised or well-executed, is just two older guys in a little boat, and I don't think the "near death experience" the author relates in this context is very convincing.  It certainly isn't convincing enough to bring the whole thing together in the way he intends.

Graveyard of the Pacific reminded me a bit of Barbarian Days, a surfing travelogue I read a while back.  Both books show a facility with the language, and both books make a less accessible subject more accessible by offering a "way in" to the subject through the author's conflicted personality.  I liked Barbarian Days a lot better, but Graveyard of the Pacific is still very entertaining.

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