2016年9月2日 星期五

Movies, Music, and Comic Books

1. Movies

Suicide Squad was such a disappointment.  It was a great idea, but they failed spectacularly in their execution.  It could be that there's a much better Director's Cut of this lying around somewhere, and if so I hope I see it.

My biggest complaint: a tremendous waste of Jared Leto.  But even Margot Robbie and Will Smith could have been used better.

It should have been a lot darker, and a lot more disturbing.  How are you going to show the Joker, lying on his living room floor with all of his knives around him, and not have a seriously disturbing torture scene later on?

Yes, people whine about the DC films being too "dark and gritty," but this was a movie that really called for that kind of tone.

Besides Suicide Squad, I also saw Miles Ahead and High-Rise.  Both excellent movies.  I think Miles Ahead was slightly better, especially since High-Rise was a bit squeamish when it came to showing the physical and moral degradation of the building's tenants.  If you're going to adapt a J.G. Ballard novel, you've got to show us everything.

2. Music

A lot of Twenty One Pilots and Panic! At the Disco.  The newest albums by both bands.

Twenty One Pilots('s) older stuff is ok, but I like their poppier stuff better.  It's the same situation with Panic! At the Disco.  Their older music seems a bit aimless, and their singer overwhelms the music with his singing.  Their newer album is a much better blend of rock and pop.

And of course after watching Miles Ahead I went into another Miles Davis coma.  I think my favorite of his albums are probably Miles in the Sky and Bitches' Brew.  Big Fun is also great.

3. Comic Books

Didn't read any!  I should probably catch up on them soon.  I'm guessing there are a few new issues of Saga, Monstress, The Fix, and Sherrif of Baghdad on the (virtual) shelves...

