I have no real argument to make here, so I'll just list my thoughts on Zack Snyder's Justice League below.
1. It's definitely better than Joss Whedon's version. The plot makes more sense, the characters are better developed, and the story unfolds at the right speed. Could Justice League have been shown as two movies? I don't think so. Sure, that battle in the sewers takes place around the two hour mark, but ending the story there would have felt weird.
2. Darkseid could have been a cool villain. Too bad we'll never see him again. At least not that version. I like how the both he and Desaad looked in the movie, even though he comes off feeling a little too similar to Thanos. This isn't a criticism of Justice League, since it could be argued that Thanos is something of a Darkseid clone.
3. Man, did Joss Whedon ever butcher that ending. In the Snyder Cut the Flash isn't racing around trying to save some random family in harm's way, Superman and Steppenwolf never really fight, and both the Flash and Cyborg have a lot more to do. I thought the "Unity" idea was kind of silly, but even so the ending is MUCH better than what Whedon did.
4. The Flash is less irritating in the Snyder Cut, less deliberately quirky. The bit where he saves Iris on the road was my favorite part of the movie. I still don't like the costume, I'm still not an Ezra Miller fan, but the character makes more sense now.
5. For that matter, Cyborg has more reason for being in this movie. More of his backstory is included, and he's central to the story. Placing his origin right after Flash's rescue of Iris felt a bit redundant, and his father's explanation of his abilities wasn't necessary, but Cyborg had more of a personality in Snyder's version.
6. Wonder Woman straight killed that dude in the beginning. Not sure if she needed to do that or not. Oh well, water under the bridge.
7. Batman's motivation for forming the League? I get it now. In Whedon's version he just seemed like some dude wandering around and stumbling into things. His comments on faith and owing a debt to Superman made sense after BvS.
8. Superman? I still feel like Justice League failed to use Superman properly. He's the ace up the League's sleeve, but it's hard to get any feeling of him as a person, or of the emotions he's going through. I get that he has amnesia for part of the movie, but it doesn't feel like he has much reason for being there.
9. Maybe too much Paradise Island? The war that took place in ancient times looked cool, but all that narration distracted from the main thrust of the movie. As a viewer you want this movie to get going, and there are way too many scenes on Paradise Island.
10. Marian Manhunter didn't need to be in this movie. Including him felt like checking off a box.
11. Removing Aquaman from Justice League in favor of Shazam/Captain Marvel might have been fun. What does Aquaman actually do in this movie anyway? What does he contribute? Seeing Shazam's reactions to what was going on would have been more entertaining.
12. Steppenwolf looks a lot better in this version. The cgi used in Whedon's cut was terrible.
13. Jared Leto could have been a great Joker. All this talk about him ruining the character is nonsense. The guy has been excellent in so many films. We'll never know what happened with Suicide Squad, and executives at Warner Bros. are already denying that an Ayer Cut exists, but blaming Leto for that hot mess of a movie is dumb.
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