Kimberly Belle is an American author of thrillers. At the time of writing she's had six books published. She divides her time between Atlanta, where most of The Marriage Lie is set, and Amsterdam.
In The Marriage LIE (emphasis mine -- it seems appropriate given the histrionic nature of this book), Iris Griffiths learns that her husband has an unsavory past . In search of this past she journeys to exotic south Seattle and its "projects," where she further discovers elements of his history that shake her to her very foundations.
"Projects..." "foundations," get it? Maybe you do, and its just not funny. Whatever, I'm a bit tired today.
Anyhoo, you might be able to guess the rest of the book. By way of further explanation there's a gay twin brother, the husband's steroidal gym bro, and an inexplicably friendly lawyer who probably isn't so much nice as on a mission to bang a grieving widow.
It's all very formulaic and less than surprising. The climax of the book is a standoff with the police, and the final chapter makes you wonder if the protagonist ever really knew her husband at all, given that his actions are so out of step with what she'd come to believe about him.
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